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Portuguese Cuisine

Portuguese cuisine, influenced by its maritime history and the various cultures it interacted with during its age of exploration, celebrates a rich tapestry of flavors rooted in local ingredients and traditions. The country's vast coastline means seafood, including cod (bacalhau), sardines, and shellfish, holds a prominent place in its culinary repertoire. Olive oil, garlic, and onions form the base of many dishes, while spices like piri-piri (small chili peppers), black pepper, saffron, and cinnamon evoke its seafaring history. Stews and soups like caldo verde (green soup made with kale, potatoes, and chorizo) underscore the importance of comfort and rusticity in Portuguese culinary traditions.

When pairing wine with Portuguese cuisine, the country's diverse wine regions offer a treasure trove of options. For seafood dishes, especially the revered bacalhau, a Portuguese Vinho Verde or Alvarinho, or other European options like Assyrtiko from Greece, provide the acidity and freshness to complement the flavors of the dish. For dishes with rich sauces or those featuring pork or sausage, a Dão wine, known for their structure and earthy notes, can be a harmonious match.